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Ashley Down Primary School

Life Learning

At Ashley Down Primary School we think it is essential that children have a broad and balanced curriculum which extends beyond the National Curriculum. Following consultation with staff and pupils we have developed a bespoke and unique 'Life Learning curriculum' which we are trialing over the academic year 2024-2025. 


This is taught throughout the school and focuses on developing a wide range of skills that help our children develop as citizens in a community. These are skills they will need for their future, not just for life in school. 


We have whole school termly themes which combine our school values, British values and other topics which we feel are important for our children. This starts in our Reception classes where the children learn about things like resilience, creative thinking and making learning links. They do this using a range of animals to help make this learning memorable such as the Team Work Bee. Then, throughout the rest of the school Life Learning is taught though following themes: 

Zones of Regulation 

A big part of our Life Learning curriculum is the introduction of The Zones of Regulation. 


What are the Zones of Regulation?

Self-regulation includes the skills of developing self-control, resilience, anger management and sensory regulation. 

Zones of regulation groups a wide range of feelings into four different zones:



After learning about the feelings in each zone, children will then start to learn strategies to support them manage and regulate their feelings. Children are taught tools that can help move between zones and enable them to learn to communicate feelings in a safe and non-judgemental way.

Why are we using these at Ashley Down Primary School?

All of us (including adults) will have times when it is harder to manage strong feelings such as worry, anger, fear or tiredness. This can stop us from getting on with our day in a positive way, and in school, can become a barrier to learning. The Zones of Regulation aims to teach children the skills they need to develop an understanding of their emotions, how they can communicate this to others and how to learn self-regulation. This is an important skill for life and forms the first term of our Life Learning curriculum.

How are these being introduced to the children?

All children from Year 1 to Year 6 are take part in Zones of Regulation lessons in Term 1. They learn how to name and describe different emotions, sort and organise emotions into zones, make displays in their classrooms to help them remember the zones and learning about how their own bodies look and feel when they are in the different zones.

Following this, there will be a termly lesson and whole school assembly to continue learning about the zones and how to apply this in life. If you would like to find out more about Zones of Regulation this website might be helpful


Below you will see examples of some of our Zones of Regulation displays in school:

For further information regarding our school's curriculum please check the year group pages or alternatively please contact the school office.