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Ashley Down Primary School


Computing at Ashley Down Primary School Aims (intent) 

At Ashley Down, we recognise that our children are growing up into a digital world in which technology plays an ever-increasing role. In line with the national curriculum, our curriculum has computer science at its heart, teaching children to programme and understand the basics of how computer systems and networks function. Alongside this, we understand that children will need to be competent users of a range of information technology and understand the different ways it can benefit them. The children we teach have been born into a digital world and it is crucial that they are digitally literate. Our computing curriculum will teach them how to use technology responsibly and safely, and confidently interact online in a way that prepares them for life as a digital citizen.

What it looks like here (implementation)

• At Ashley Down, computing is taught in weekly lessons for 3 terms per year. Our computing curriculum has been rewritten since the pandemic to ensure curriculum coverage and progression through each year group.

• Computer science lessons predominantly use Discovery Education’s coding scheme of work. This is taught throughout KS1 and KS2. In Years 1 to 3, children use ‘block coding’ to gain a foundation of how programmes work. Year 4 continue this work, but also introduce children to the Python programming language. This is built-on in Year 5. In Year 6, the children focus on HTML, learning how to build and edit web pages. This progress through school provides children with the opportunity to understand, debug and develop simple programs to solve problems across a range of different programming languages and formats.

• Alongside this, children in KS2 are taught about the basics of computer networks and systems.

• To ensure our children grow up to be responsible, confident and safe users of technology, we use the Common Sense Education scheme of work. This engages learners to think critically, participate responsibly and take ownership of their digital lives. More information about this scheme can be found here.


• In KS1 and KS2 classes, children learn about 3 ‘Heroes of Computing’. These are a range of inspirational figures from around the world, both modern day and historical, who have helped shape the world of computing.

• Children in Years 4-6 have an opportunity to attend an afterschool club where they can further develop their coding skills. This club provides an opportunity for both children and teachers to try new technologies that can then be introduced to the school curriculum.


adp computing overview updates 24.pdf


For further information regarding our school's curriculum please check the year group pages or alternatively please contact the school office.